Conference by Fabrizio Catalano Leonardo Sciascia e la bellezza politicamente scorretta.
Program notes
One of the most popular phrases of recent years is undoubtedly Dostoevsky’s famous statement: “Beauty will save the world”.
Quoted and repeated over and over again, nevertheless, these words have been emptied of their most authentic meaning: they do not refer to an external beauty, but rather to a conscious inspiration towards enchantment. In one of his most famous and controversial novels, Todo modo, Leonardo Sciascia establishes a sort of long-distance dialogue with the author of The Brothers Karamazov; and this will be the unusual starting point of a heartfelt plea for a return to a politically incorrect art and beauty.
Today, everything seems irremediably caged within canons, schemes, definitions and divisions; but, from Dante to Caravaggio, from Botticelli to the Italian western, from Pasolini to Sciascia, hasn’t Italian culture always been constantly imbued with political incorrectness? Should it not, in order to rise again, recover its most intimate and brilliant essence?
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President: Stefano Calamani
Artistic Director: Anna Leonardi
Press Office and Coordination: Marta Balzar
Organizational Collaborator: Chiara Dragoni
Artistic Direction
Anna Leonardi
Press Office & Coordination
Marta Balzar | +39 338.7680005
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Chiara Dragoni | +39 327.8690329