Scenic concert for adults and children
Violin, dance and voice Eleonora Savini
Cello, dance and voice Federica Vecchio
Program notes
A concert is about to start. Two figures proudly enter to perform for their audience. With them on stage are a microphone and a strange pedal capable of recording sounds and accompanying the musicians: a loop station. However, even before this, anything can be an instrument: the zips, the buttons, the steps of the performers themselves as they enter the stage make their own music. This is how, little by little, the two girls begin to conquer the space and the audience. At first sight it seems difficult to tell the two girls are different: their uniforms are the same, the colours are the same, they both sing. The only clear difference is in the instruments they play: one has a violin and the other a cello. Gradually, many other differences will come to light during this adventurous concert: their styles, aims and passions, often totally at odds. Even though at first these differences seem to compromise their relationship, thanks to the magic of music and their desire to play together, each of them finds the other and enriches themselves, allowing the concert to end in total harmony.
The third character, the loop station pedal, is a solid part of the dramatic play: music in modern times is created by machines, which sometimes seem to get the upper hand and “diminish” the individual in his uniqueness. However, the easy accessibility of music of all kinds through technology allows today’s generation to be continually stimulated and to enrich their musical landscape, which is composed of deeply personal choices. In this sense, the machine offers a wide range of styles and interpretations that are all valid and interesting, from classical to Charleston to rock’n’roll. We could say that today there is no longer a distinction between superior or inferior musical genres: music is many and various, each one has its own unique codes and charm to enjoy.
Difference can exist even when
two people look similar from the outside.
Guided by the music of cello and violin,
we will experience how two characters
are revealed and intertwined.
and they reveal themselves,
and and they intertwine,
and how much this discovery can be fun!
Musical theatre
Musical theatre on stage is a modern fusion of music and theatre, and in this case also dance and song: the two performers not only interpret pieces of all kinds of music with their instruments, but also act, sing and dance, showing how every idea, every intention and every aim can be clearly expressed without the need to say any words. A virtuosity, performed with humour and lightness, that allows any audience, and even the children, to fully enjoy the live performance of pieces that might normally be difficult to listen to, and to experience at first hand the huge world of emotions and nuances that music can offer. The show is designed to be presented and performed in concert halls and theatres, but thanks to its light technical structure it can be performed also in schools. It is open to audiences consisting of classes or families. Pietro Gudioso was born in Rome but lives in Brussels. He is a choreographer, performer and director. His passion for dance and body language comes from a long artistic tradition. He started exploring painting and photography, up to circus arts, making himself co-founder of a space for artistic encounters. He shared his passion by travelling around Europe creating musical performances for children: Goldmädchen, Senegalliarde, Pizz’n’Zip (Lucerne Festival), Schnik, Schnak, Bremen Stadtmusikanten, Aqualina, Terranova, Biancaneve, Foresta (Philharmonie Luxembourg), Somnia (Elbphilharmonie Hamburg). It is possible to combine the performance (before or afterwards) with small pedagogical musical workshops in which the actors meet and interact directly with their audience.
Eleonora Savini
Si è diplomata presso il Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia in Roma con il massimo dei voti e ha conseguito il Master of Arts in Music Performance presso il Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana (Lugano). Il suo eclettismo ed entusiasmo verso tutte le arti e i diversi generi musicali l’hanno spinta a dedicarsi ad una carriera full-time nel teatro musicale: ha debuttato con Heroïca (vincitore del premio Junge Ohren Preis 2014), a seguire Goldmädchen, entrambi produzione del Lucerne Festival, Domande in Teatro Dimitri (Verscio), Senegalliarde e Pizz’n’Zip (Lucerne Festival 2018/2019), Voci di Notte (Compagnia Teatro Daruma), Foresta (Philharmonie Luxembourg). Ha collaborato con Musica- Impulscentrum voor Musiek (Neerpelt), e partecipato allo sviluppo dell’Atelier Babelut Parcours, per bambini dagli 0 ai 3 anni. I suoi show sono in continua diffusione nelle più importanti sale da concerto europee (KKL Luzern, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Philharmonie Luxembourg, Wiener Konzerthaus, Kölner Philharmonie).
Federica Vecchio
Ha studiato al Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia di Roma con il Maestro F. Strano e si è diplomata presso il Conservatorio di Perugia F. Morlacchi nel settembre 2007, sotto la guida del Maestro M. Damiani. Ha conseguito anche un Master in Classical String Performances con l’ungherese Maestro Ferenz Szucs. Ha collaborato con numerose orchestre, ensemble cameristici e spettacoli teatrali. Fra gli altri, è membro del quartetto femminile Shararè e dell’ottetto di violoncelli Edone. Attualmente lavora in differenti realtà musicali, dal classico al bossa nova, dall’improvvisazione contemporanea al teatro musicale fino anche alle rock band. Con Marzia Ricciardi e Dosto ha fondato un nuovo trio teatrale/musicale, Musicomici, riscuotendo grande successo in Italia’s Got Talent 2013 e portando il proprio show, Allegro con Trio, in vari teatri italiani. La musica, come il teatro, è per lei un continuo flusso di nuove idee e progetti, passione e dedizione.
Pietro Gaudioso
Nato a Roma ma residente a Bruxelles, è coreografo, interprete e regista. La sua passione per la danza e il linguaggio del corpo proviene da una lunga tradizione artistica. Ha iniziato ad esplorare la pittura e la fotografia, fino alle arti circensi, rendendosi co-fondatore di uno spazio per incontri artistici. Ha condiviso il suo entusiasmo viaggiando per l’Europa creando spettacoli musicali per bambini: Goldmädchen, Senegalliarde, Pizz’n’Zip (Lucerne Festival), Schnik, Schnak, Bremen Stadtmusikanten, Aqualina, Terranova, Biancaneve, Foresta (Philharmonie Luxembourg), Somnia (Elbphilharmonie Hamburg).
Associazione Festival della Piana del Cavaliere Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on our initiatives
Piazza XX settembre, 4/A - 02040 Configni (RI)
President: Stefano Calamani
Artistic Director: Anna Leonardi
Press Office and Coordination: Marta Balzar
Organizational Collaborator: Chiara Dragoni
Artistic Direction
Anna Leonardi
Press Office & Coordination
Marta Balzar | +39 338.7680005
Assistant to the Coordination
Chiara Dragoni | +39 327.8690329